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All of us recycle pain, but few of us caught in a spiral of suffering have the energy, the knowledge, and the courage to spot and manage deep dysfunction in family and romantic relationships. As the “healthy ones,” we simply try harder, praying that the next mindfulness app or bullet journal or self-care routine or sacrifice will ease our anxiety and reveal the road to wholeness. I have been there more than once.

In Less Helping Them, More Healing You: The Transcendent Gift of an Ancient Spiritual Practice, I share how a decades-long relationship with an unrepentant alcoholic made it impossible to recognize my own codependent behavior, until I discovered Spiritual Reading. The ancient mindfulness practice taught how to detach from my situation with love in order to experience divine love, accepting that my only obligation was mercy, not sacrifice. Once I learned four simple steps—Read, Reflect, Respond, Receive—I found space not only to recognize but also avoid roadblocks set by the dysfunctional people in my life.

I invite you to join me in a community of seekers who practice, teach, and embody centeredness achieved through reading. Meet the wise guides I has discovered and find your own with guidance for your own practice. Together we will take steps along a new path, toward self-knowledge, self-acceptance, self-gift, and above all love.